
Insect Pests May Destroy The Economy Soon

Farmers have always been concerned with the insect life that is active within their crops. Some insect pests are native to America, and others are not. Insect pests that originate from other countries are particularly devastating to many forms of plant life here in America. This is because foreign insects do not have any natural…

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Pest FAQ’s

What makes homes attractive to pests? Pests are attracted to food, water and shelter. Exclusion techniques and removing food and water sources will help deter pests. Simple measures such as keeping food in sealed containers and cleaning up after each meal to avoid leaving crumbs can help. Fix leaky pipes and drains to ensure that…

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Are Raccoons Commonly Consumed As Food By Humans? | Wildlife Control

Are Raccoons Commonly Consumed As Food By Humans? | Wildlife Control Raccoons may serve, as the cutest forms of wildlife, so it would be a shame if raccoons were captured, killed, cooked, and then eaten by humans. Perhaps eating raccoons would become a necessary last resort if a person or a group of people was…

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So How Much Wood Can A Woodchuck Chuck Anyway?

You have certainly heard that tongue twister before. “How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” That is a good question. Do woodchucks chuck wood? And what exactly does “chucking” wood mean? And if they do, then how much wood can they chuck? I suppose I never realized how many…

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False Widow Populations Are Growing in Ireland– Is That A Problem?

A school was recently closed on account of a false widow sighting. Experts are saying that false widow spider populations are increasing, but is this a reasonable thing to be concerned about? According to experts, false widow bites are venomous, but being bitten is rare as false widows do not typically behave aggressively towards humans.…

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