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An image of termite damage caused to a Central Texas home.

Owner Beware! Central Texas Termite Infestations Are on the Rise!
February 18, 2025

As a homeowner in Waco, Texas, it's essential to understand how termites target your home and the signs and solutions to prevent the total destruction of your home as most damage is not covered by home insurance. In this new six-part series, GGA Pest Management will help you clearly understand every step of termite behavior so you can make informed decisions while creating a termite prevention plan.

Imagine sitting down to a big, beautiful plate of spaghetti, but you routinely get called away to take care of tasks or do things. Every time you pass by that plate, you don’t notice the amount of spaghetti shrinking little by little. You make another pass, and this time you see a trail of spilled sauce, maybe a fork askew so you finally know someone is sneaking by and stealing your food when you’re not looking or being fully present.

That’s exactly what termites do. Hundreds of them each take hundreds of small bites of your home day and night without you noticing until it’s almost too late to stop and repair the damage. Their continual feasting can cost you a fortune, but reputable termite treatment service provided by trained GGA Pest technicians can help quickly identify termite presence, entry points, and damage to help eradicate them from your property 24/7 with installed Sentricon bait stations.

GGA Pest Management has specialized in protecting homes from termites and other pests for nearly 40 years, so rest assured we can provide you with the information you need to keep your home safe.

Part One: Termites Target Your Home

Like all pests, termites enter your home searching for food, water, and shelter. As social insects, termites live in colonies, meaning there are hundreds if not thousands of them traveling and searching together. They’re all looking for wood (and lots of it) as a primary food source. To make matters worse, not all termites are alike so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to determine termite home entry and damage.

Underground Termites (Subterranean Termites)

Subterranean termites are the most common termites found in Central Texas homes. They generally come from underground colonies run by hundreds of thousands to millions of termites. Some colonies can exist for many years, giving termites ample time to breed and expand their territory from home to home. What attracts Central Texas subterranean termites?

  • Texas Weather Conditions: Warm, humid weather is paradise to subterranean termites. Spring and early summer provide the perfect opportunities for termites to breed and travel after winter’s harsh climate. As spring flowers bloom, so do termite colonies! That means February through April are the best times to identify termite activity and create a termite prevention plan featuring Sentricon bait stations.
  • Texas Soil Conditions: Every Texas homeowner knows soil conditions can create tricky building composites thanks to abundant variances in clay, loam, and sandy soils. Termites love those variances as different soils retain different moisture levels termites need for feeding purposes. Homes built near wetlands, floodplains, or underground water sources are at even greater risk for termite infestation.
  • Texas Food Supplies: Wood and cellulose are the filet mignon of termite fine dining. Central Texas’ rapidly growing home-building market makes for fast dining for termites on a mission for survival. Most homes are built with wood components such as lumber frames, ceiling beams, window/door trims, foundations, or siding, not to mention fencing or decorative materials. Those beautiful trees in the backyard are prime termite food too. GGA Pest Management SENTRICON systems won’t protect every wood source on your property but the patented bait stations placed around your home’s perimeter will attract termites away from your home like an invisible security wall so your money is well invested for superior home protection against termite damage.
  • Texas Home Structures: Most Central Texas homes are built in direct contact with the soil providing termites easier access than an I-35 service ramp. Small foundation cracks and window/door gaps can also provide entry points for subterranean termites. A free pest inspection by a trained GGA Pest technician can identify entry points for termites and other pests. A GGA Seal & Exclusion Plan including repaired weatherstripping, new caulking, inserted mesh screening, and other tools can quickly fix any issues to help prevent pests from entering your home.
  • Texas Land Access: Subterranean termites easily travel far and wide to look for sustainable food sources. Wide open spaces, woodlands, and agricultural areas provide ample opportunities for termite colonies to spread. Closely packed subdivision housing allows termites to quickly breed and grow in strength. More often than not, if your neighbor has termites – so do you! That’s why constant SENTRICON bait treatment and active monitoring by a trained GGA Pest Technician is crucial to keeping termites at bay from damaging your home. Neighbors should share sugar not termites. Don’t you agree?
Drywood Termites

Drywood termites, unlike subterranean termites, do not require contact with soil. They infest dry wood often found in the wooden structures of your home. It may sound simple, but there’s more to learn about these pesky pests:

  • Ideal Environment: Southern, Gulf Coast areas with mild winters and dry, warm conditions support dry wood termites. That may not seem like a bother in Central Texas, but homeowners who visit the beach every summer should be aware of possibly transmitting termites back home with them. Not the souvenir you had in mind!
  • Imported Wood Furniture: Drywood termites are often introduced into Texas homes through infested wood products such as furniture, structural beams, flooring, or simple firewood. It’s particularly common when homeowners buy antique furniture, wooden pallets, or secondhand thrift goods. GGA Pest Technicians always recommend thorough inspections of any furniture or donated goods before items are brought into the home. It’s important to note that even if stopped outside, drywood termites can still pose a threat to your home as they can enter through small gaps or cracks around doors and windows and even roof vents. A full GGA Pest Evaluation and Seal & Exclusion Plan are the best defense to plug entry points.
  • Ideal Conditions: Texas weather conditions are never predictable. When areas are impacted by severe periods of drought, drywood termites can become rampant.
  • Ideal Age: In the same vein, abandoned older homes containing aged wooden structures and no water sources can become a magnet for drywood termites if other conditions are just right.
Swarming Termites

Swarming termites, also known as alates (reproductive termites), are picky eaters looking for very specific conditions to establish new colonies. During the swarming process, typically in the spring or late summer, these winged termites leave their existing colonies and search for suitable environments to breed and begin anew. Here are the key attractions for swarming termites:

  • Perfect Conditions: Swarming termites tend to swarm after Texas spring rain showers or even early summer temperature fluctuations. These conditions ensure termites don’t dry out and their new colonies have sustainable water resources termites need to live and breed for years to come.
  • Perfect Sources: Swarming termites look for areas with plentiful, readily available wood resources for fast, abundant nourishment for the entire new colony.
  • Perfect Structures: Like subterranean termites, swarming termites look for homes with direct soil contact for optimal transit time to food sources.
  • Perfect Access: Minor gaps or weak points provide swarming termites the best access to structural interiors. Foundation gaps and attic cracks work just as well. That’s why GGA Pest Technicians fully inspect homes from attic crawl spaces to basements and even pier and beam foundations to ensure every entry point is pictured and noted during a GGA Seal & Exclusion Estimate.
  • Perfect Lighting: Swarming termites don’t necessarily need light to live, but bright light from windows and even light fixtures helps guide their movement as they look for a soft landing spot inside your home. This is one of the reasons GGA Pest technicians recommend warm, yellow light bulbs in all exterior lighting fixtures.
  • Perfect Privacy: Millions of breeding termites need their privacy so swarming termites search for safe, undisturbed areas where they can land, burrow, and live undetected from human activity.

Knowing what termites are and their preferred home environments and feeding habits is the first step in combating termite infestation in your home. Next week, we’ll dive into various signs and watchpoints to determine if there’s active termite infestation in your home.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or suspicions regarding possible termites in your home, don’t hesitate to contact GGA Pest Management. A trained technician will provide a thorough termite inspection as soon as possible, often within 48 hours. If there is termite activity, a free no-obligation SENTRICON termite treatment quote can be provided.

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