Researchers May Have Found A Way To Monitor And Trap An Sneaky Insect Pest Imagine how damaging insect pests used to be back when science had not furnished mankind with pest control methods. Thankfully, in these modern times, insects can be trapped, killed and even monitored in order to keep crops insect-free. The world is full of insect pests that would surely keep fresh produce from ever reaching our local grocery stores if it were not for the decades of agricultural research that has led to a greater understanding of insect pest behavior. It is important to know which insects are pests, and what types of vegetation these insect pests prefer, and are able to access. This is why monitoring insect pests is crucial for determining which plants are at the most risk of incurring damage. Insect pests must also be successfully trapped in order to reduce insect pest populations. Traps also allow researchers to gather large amounts of particular insect pests so that they can be properly studied. For example, by trapping insect pests, researchers can apply various insecticides in order to determine which mixtures are the most effective at killing particular insect pests. Although there are not too many insect pests that can avoid traps and monitoring programs, there are a few that can. The harlequin bug