There Was A Time When Experts Could Not Prevent Termite Damage To Telegraph Poles Termite colonies are so widespread that it is surprising to find that utility poles are still made with wood. One would think that utility poles made from wood would be primary targets for wood-devouring termites. Well, they used to be, but at some point along the way, utility poles underwent chemical treatments that made them resistant to termite infestations. Early telegraph poles across the United States, and the rest of the world, were under heavy attack from termites. In fact, the termite infestations that devastated early telegraph poles were so widespread that the poles needed to be replaced regularly. Not only that, but entomologists and other experts were at a loss as how to prevent termite damage to the telegraph poles that were necessary for long-range communication. A New York Times article written in September of 1927 describes the problems concerning termite damage