Lady Bug Zombies
There exists, in the insect kingdom a parasitic wasp that can deploy a virus to enact a mind-control weapon. The wasp literally injects a virus into ladybugs
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There exists, in the insect kingdom a parasitic wasp that can deploy a virus to enact a mind-control weapon. The wasp literally injects a virus into ladybugs
A warrior beetle or stag Beetle lived up to its name when it was recorded dispatching a devil scorpion with little effort. The two creatures were placed into a container in order to discover what happens when the tow face off. After feeling out the environment and each other, the enemies literally locked horns in battle to the death. Eventually, the beetle steamrolls forward undeterred by its competitor's sting. It dives at the scorpion's tail and clamps on with its powerful pincers and eventually snaps it off. Common east of the Mississippi, Stag Beetles are noted for their size, ferocious appearance, and durable exoskeleton. Also, its pincer-like mandibles are dangerous weapons. Female mandibles are much shorter than that of the males. Male mandibles can be as large as their heads. They are primarily night dwellers and are generally attracted to light sources at night. Despite having large, "menacing" mandibles, the Stag Beetle diet consists of sap. The mandibles on the male are generally reserved for male-to-male combat when it comes time to woo a female Stag Beetle. Females lay fertilized eggs on dead trees or stumps. The grubs hatch and mature in the rotting wood. If you come across a stag beetle in your yard search for their larvae. Male and female adult stag beetles do not live long after eggs have been laid. In order to relocate the beetles it is more important to deal with moving the larvae rather than the adults. Larvae usually live between three to five years before becoming adult stag beetles. The larvae do feed on decomposing dead wood, which is a good thing but they could also be feasting on the roots of plants in your garden. A couple of ways to control these beetles is to treat flowers with a product such as Talstar Pro insecticide or add Diatomaceous Earth
Cricket Protein - Would You Try it? The next time you're hungry for something nutritious or need a light snack when you're on the go, look no further than your own back yard. And while there are few more steps to it than that, insects are becoming a delicacy in many countries and fair game all over the world. Next Millennium Farms is one of the first farms in North America (Canada) to raise crickets and mealworms for human consumption. Founded in 2014 and co-owned by Jarrod Goldin, a chiropractor by trade, and his brothers Ryan and Darren, who had both raised crickets for pet food stores. For the brothers, they are raising "the most nutrient-dense food on the planet." It is becoming widely known that insects are high in protein and low in fat. Harvesting insects also has a minimal environmental impact. Crickets require 12 times less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein. They give off fewer greenhouse gases and less ammonia waste than livestock. Next Millennium sells up to 2,425 pounds of wholesale cricket flour to companies who process protein bars and other consumer food products. But for all their benefits, one thing remains: in order to harvest this valuable protein, living creatures have to be raised and killed in captivity. At New millennium, nearly 15 million crickets are raised in a series of large white bins. The insects' waste falls below their living quarters, and each bin is replenished with fresh water from an irrigation system. The amount of light, temperature, and humidity settings are all controlled. The crickets are farmed and processed in a way that the family believes is the most humane. Since opening their business, Next Millennium has expanded from 10,000 to 30,000 square feet. They have plans to scale up even further. Goldin says that every week they receive up to 20 phone calls from food and wellness companies all interested in collaborating or using cricket flour in their products.
It is no secret that termites cause billions of dollars of damage every year in the United States. They prey on building foundations, joists, studs and even furniture once they get inside. Getting rid of them can be both difficult and expensive. In reality, termites are not looking for a "house" to munch on. What they want is something called organic cellulose usually found in dead plants and trees.