A Tree Planted By The Queen Of England Has Been Destroyed By Termites
A Tree Planted By The Queen Of England Has Been Destroyed By Termites We Americans probably think that we experience some of the worst termite-related problems in the world. Termites certainly cause the US the greatest amount of economic damage, right? It is true that termite activity in the US causes billions of dollars in economic damage each year, so of course they are a problem in America. If you have not experienced a termite infestation during your lifetime, then you surely know someone who has. Not only does the US have several different native termite populations, but the US also suffers from damage caused by invasive termites, such as Formosan termites. However, there are other countries that experience termite-related damage on a much larger scale than the US. It is debatable as to which countries experience more termite-related damages than the U.S.. Unless that country is, of course, India. In India termites ravage areas ranging from small villages to large cities. In fact, termites are so problematic in India that one town was emptied