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Six New Ant Species Part of Famous Vampire Family
Killer Hornets You might want to be careful where you step next time you're out camping. 60-year-old Warren Brown was out camping at the Kittitas County campsite when he was stung by hornets
Mealworms Doing Their Part to Save the Planet You know all that unrecyclable stuff you have to throw away that ends up going to a landfill so it can pollute our earth by sitting there for a million years? Well, as it turns out, a new solution has arisen to this problem in the form of mealworms. While they may seem gross and you might feel the need to quickly step away at the sight of one, these guys have secret super powers that just might help save this planet. Researchers have found that mealworms can biodegrade Styrofoam and other plastics
Mosquito Mortalities It's time to start getting serious about mosquitos this year. The spread of West Nile virus
Hidden Hornets When the trees begin to lose their leaves and become bare you begin to notice things on them that were previously hidden from view. One thing which may surprise and frighten you is the giant nest of the bald-faced hornet
Backyard Blues Do you have bare patches in your yard? Places where the grass just won't seem to grow. Well, it might not be the fertilizer you're using or that you're not watering it enough. It could actually be the work of a tiny little pest called a Chinch bug
Emerald Ash Borer Infestation Ash trees are in imminent danger from this burrowing pest. Officials estimate that the state of Minnesota will lose up to 3,000 trees due to this infestation. The little buggers are really hard to detect too. A recent study investigated ways to detect the emerald ash borer
Invisible Insects We already know that stick insects are great at camouflage. They are able to trick prey and predators into believing they are simply twigs. Well, it turns out their unborn babies may be just as clever