
Bugs That Are Good For The Garden

what are some bugs that are good for the garden texas pest control

Attract more bugs that are good for the garden. An average backyard has thousands of different insects living in it. You may be surprised to find out that some are actually beneficial for your plants and vegetables. Most bugs that are good for the garden fall into these two categories: Pollinators: Insects such as bees,…

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An Insect Thought To Be Extinct Has Recently Been Rediscovered

rare insect gga pest management

An Insect Thought To Be Extinct Has Recently Been Rediscovered Back in 2003 an insect that nobody had ever seen before was discovered on an island. The island is named Ball’s Pyramid, and it is located three hundred and seventy five miles off of the Australian coast. The strange looking insect was classified as a…

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Chagas Disease Is Being Compared To HIV

Chagas Disease Is Being Compared To HIV West Nile virus, Zika and lyme disease are certainly not the only insect-borne diseases that are commonly spread throughout the United States. Chagas disease, which is not as well known as the above three diseases, but still just as common, comes with symptoms that experts say are similar…

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Winston Churchill Tried To Resurrect An Extinct Butterfly Species

Winston Churchill Tried To Resurrect An Extinct Butterfly Species We have all heard of the legendary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He presided over a nation while it was immersed in the most unimaginable horrors of war. However, Churchill was a peculiar man, as he was not always immersed in the business of international politics;…

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Are Horse Flies Dangerous To Humans?

Are Horse Flies Dangerous To Humans? Horseflies are insects that belong to the order known as Tabanidae, and the genus referred to as Tabanus. These flies are also referred to by many other names including gad fly, greenheaded monster, breeze fly, and ear fly. These flies exist in most regions around the world, excepting arctic…

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You May Have Seen Garden Centipedes In Your House Before

You May Have Seen Garden Centipedes In Your House Before Centipedes are awful looking creatures. I cannot imagine anybody wanting to hold a centipede. Some people like to handle insects, like grasshoppers and dragonflies. Some people have pet spiders, but centipedes are universally hated. You have certainly encountered a centipede skittering across the floor in…

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