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GGA Blog

Explore expert tips and insights on effective pest control solutions with the GGA Pest Management Blog.

Researcher Unearths Bizarre Looking Arthropod
October 5, 2016

During a series of expeditions in northern Greenland researchers unearthed a fossi

Parasitic Wasps Demonstrate An Ability To Form Long Term Memories
October 3, 2016

Parasitic wasps are pretty simple creatures, but they rely heavily on their ability to sniff out proper hosts. Parasitic wasps are normally valued by farmers and gardeners because they destroy many different types of plant pests. A recent study conducted by researchers from the Netherlands Institute of Ecology discovered that parasitic wasps prioritize their memories

Fruit Flies Force Their Young To Drink Booze
September 30, 2016

Researchers from Emory University have recently published a study describing how adult fruit flies protect their larvae from parasitic wasps. A mother fruit fly will protect her larvae from predators by...well...forcing alcohol onto them. Despite the fruit flies liking of fermented fruit, the mothers are not trying to share the joys of alcohol intoxication with their young, rather the mother's use of the alcohol works as a method of repelling parasitic wasps

Which Types Of Insects Might Make A Home In Your Ear And What To Do About It
September 28, 2016

If anybody has ever told you that bugs will not crawl into your orifices while you are sleeping at night, then they were either lying, or, more likely, they truly thought that terrible things like that actually do not really happen. Well those people do not know what they are talking about because doctors report patients coming into the emergency room with bugs in their orifices often. According to health care professionals it is not uncommon for terrified people to seek medical attention for insects stuck in their ears.

How Black Widow�s Try To Discourage Cannibalism In Their Young
September 26, 2016

It is not just female black widows consuming their male mates after copulation, but young black widow siblings seem programmed to try to kill each other. Researchers have discovered that black widow mothers produce egg sacs that are all the same size, and black widow spiderlings all grow at the same rate, making it impossible for the spiderling to be larger in size then its brother spiderling. This size similarity may be due to an evolutionary development aimed at preventing cannibalism by preventing one black widow sibling from becoming larger, and therefore predatory,

Experts Discover That Zika May Be Transmitted Through Bodily Fluids
September 21, 2016

Until recently experts were under the impression that Zika could only be transmitted through sexual activity, blood transfusions, bites from the Zika carrying mosquito, and an infected mother can pass the disease to her unborn child. However, a recent case coming from Utah suggests that the virus can be spread by other means

Rare Predatory Slugs Are Attacking Birds!
September 19, 2016

Some people remain lucky enough to have never laid eyes on a slug. Even your literal garden-variety slug is quite ugly and ultimately wrong looking. It is a wonder they can get around since they do not seem to be in possession of legs. They move sort of like snakes, only they lack all of the useful evolutionary traits, like being fast. Despite the notion that slugs are boring and ugly, new research published in the Journal of Avian Biology tells a different story. Although slugs may not be intimidating it seems that there does exist a particular class of slug that is downright predatory.

Overnight Bites That Are Not From Bed Bugs
September 14, 2016

When you wake up in the morning to find bug bites on you, most of us are inclined to freak out and believe our homes have been infested by bed bugs. I know I've done that numerous times, and later found that I didn't have bed bugs at all. There are many other insects that might bite you during the night other than bed bugs.

Are Spiders Getting Bigger?
September 12, 2016

Increasing rates of urbanization have detrimental effects on animals living within an ecosystem. This is no wonder since concrete is not as hospitable to jungle dwelling animals as vegetation. Although most animals do not fare well in the city, there are some animals that absolutely thrive in urban environments. One example of this phenomena is well demonstrated in the Golden Orb Weaver Spider, which is becoming a little meatier in its physique.

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