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GGA Blog

Explore expert tips and insights on effective pest control solutions with the GGA Pest Management Blog.

Caterpillar Nectar May Control Ants Behavior
June 8, 2017

Caterpillar Nectar May Control Ants Behavior Humans are not the only animals on the planet that enjoy taking a load off with a beer, or a cigarette, or whatever you may enjoy. There are plenty of animals in nature that cannot seem to get enough of some type of substance. There have been plenty of studies that demonstrate how some addicted animals behave when they don't get their fix, and they do not take it well. One creature that enjoys a mind-altering substance is a particular species of Japanese ant referred to as Pristomyrmex punctatus

Humans Ate Termites Thousands Of Years Ago
June 6, 2017

Humans Ate Termites Thousands Of Years Ago When considering the average day in the life of a prehistoric human, you would probably not be surprised to find that our ancestors indulged in some pretty disgusting things, such as eating termites. Of course, ancient humans did not just eat termites regularly; they also ate other insects, like ants. Termites and ants are particularly nutritious, and are especially high in protein. So it seems reasonable to believe that our ancestors consumed ants and termites when a wild animal could not be found. Also, our close primate relatives regularly feast on termites. Thousands of years ago, humans had just as many resources as their primate relatives, so humans almost certainly ate termites

Researchers Gain A Fresh Look At An Ant�s Development | Ant Control
May 31, 2017

There are over sixteen thousand different species of ant on this planet. Of course, this number only includes those ants which science has documented. Despite their tiny heads, ants are smart relative to other insects, and their social behavior is surprisingly advanced. In fact, since ants make up such a big part of the insect world, scientists have already studied ants quite a bit. However, despite much research into ants, very few scientists have a detailed understanding of an ant's development. Recently, a large-scale study that was aimed at better understanding early ant life

The Drywood Termite! | Termite Control
May 30, 2017

The world is full of termites. In fact, there are over two thousand different termite species in existence right now and having termites can get pricey as they cause billions of dollars in damages every year. Termites are social insects that evolved from cockroaches, and this occurred before dinosaurs even existed. Termites can be boring insects, as they seem to do nothing but destroy wood. However, there is one termite that will likely catch your attention on account of its strange behavior. This termite is known as the drywood termite, and it lives solely in wood, not soil. That means that the drywood termite never stops

Know The Signs: Bed Bug Infestation
May 26, 2017

GGA Pest Management shares the following noteworthy signs and symptoms of a possible bed bug infestation: Small red to reddish brown fecal spots on mattresses, upholstery or walls

The Larval Stage Of A Bizarre Ant Is Revealed For The First Time
May 24, 2017

The offspring of trap-jaw ants is like something out of a horror show. The babies of trap-jaw ants will make you look twice. These odd creatures are outfitted with studs and menacing looking protrusions on their spines. Thanks to major improvements in technology, the larval development of trap-jaw ants has been described for the first time.

New Insect Species Is Found Fossilized In Amber
May 22, 2017

New Insect Species Is Found Fossilized In Amber If you have ever been to India, then you know that India is a country that is rich in its diversity of insect life. Researchers have long assumed that India's fauna was unique to the country, and that no ancient European bugs could ever be unearthed in India because India was, for a long time, not a part of any continent. However, researchers have recently corrected these long held assumptions after finding two fossilized bugs in India, and these bugs appear to have an ancestral link

Are There Big, And Dangerous Bugs In The Midwestern United States?
May 19, 2017

Are There Big, And Dangerous Bugs In The Midwestern United States? We all probably have a vague idea as to where some of the creepiest spiders in America prefer to dwell. For example, many people, and rightfully so, associate the desert with large tarantulas, but you would never see a tarantula in the Midwest. Or how about the scary looking, and possibly dangerous spiders that are lurking about within the tropical climate of Florida, and other southeastern states? With the exception of the occasional wolf spider, very few Midwesterners ever encounter a large, or dangerous spider. Many of the spiders that are found within the Midwestern states are not dangerous, but many of them are certainly large

Insect Pests May Destroy The Economy Soon
May 18, 2017

Farmers have always been concerned with the insect life that is active within their crops. Some insect pests are native to America, and others are not. Insect pests that originate from other countries are particularly devastating to many forms of plant life here in America. This is because foreign insects do not have any natural predators in America, which allows foreign insects to build enormous populations. These large insect pest populations can become difficult to control. Now, with the current reality of climate change, some regions of the US could experience an influx of certain insect pests. For example, insects that commonly thrive in the south could move northward as the climate gradually warms. According to a recent report issued by various academics, the economic impact that invasives have on the American economy equals about 27.3 billion dollars.

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